Is your inventory spending too much time in the recon process?
Build and track your reconditioning process to track your vehicles and get them to the front line faster.
- Review the status of your inventory from your cell phone or your computer 24/7.
- Track performance of your departments and vendors.
- Instant SMS and EMail notification to your vendors and departments when work gets assigned.
- Daily log of open items in each department or vendor’s queue.
- FREE Automated daily inventory pulls from your DMS.
- Get more time to sell the vehicle by reducing the number of days it takes to reconditioning your inventory.
- Track location of your inventory at all times
If you prefer to do it the old fashioned way using pen and paper, click here to download our Recon Checklist PDF that you can print and use for free.
If you have transitioned from the pen and paper age to the digital age but still prefer to do this on your own without the need to spend more money you can get the excel file absolutely free .
All we need is your name and an email address you want us to send it to.
You will recieve the excel file in 1 minutes or less.
Pick and choose the vendors you plan on using for each vehicle

Simple Recon is ideal for you if one or more of these situations meets your need
* You have multiple outside vendors that work on the reconditioning process.
* You are still using pen and paper to track what needs to be done on each vehicle by department.
* Your vendors do not know what vehicles they need to work on when they arrive at the dealership.
* You do not have enough visibility into the progress of each vehicle and how long it has been at the dealership.
* Your sublet vendors do not return your inventory on time.
* Send each sublet vendor a nightly email of vehicles at their shop.
* You can even grant access to vendors for vehicles in their queue so they can add notes and mark vehicles completed when done.
* If you would like to get a completion notification when a specific vendor completes work, you can set that up too by simply clicking a checkbox.
The best part, this information is always available if you need to go back to it months later.
So what are you waiting for?
Sign up for a Free Trial of Simple Recon Checklist and see for yourself.