Frontline Faster
Recon inventory in under 5 days by tracking vehicles from purchase to front line.

With a market leading easy to use interface, your team can start using Simple Recon within minutes.

Free Trial
Sign up in under 30 seconds for our fully functional free trial.
No Credit Card Required & No Term Contracts.

enforce process
Build and enforce your reconditioning process so inventory does not go from ‘Landed’ to ‘Front Line’

Instant Notifications
Send SMS and Email notifications to employees and vendors Instantly

Vendor Management
Add employees and vendors to your recon process and let us do the follow ups so you dont have to.

The Advantages of Choosing Simple Recon
Instant Setup
Amazing Customer Service
Highly Customizable
Cost Effective
Would you like to save over $567,000 a year?
Sign up now for our no obligation Free Trial.

Reduce the time it takes to recondition your inventory giving your sales team more days to sell, helping them turn inventory faster.
Send INSTANT SMS and email alerts to employees and vendors letting them know that a new vehicle was just assigned to their queue.
Establish due dates with your departments and hold them accountable to those goals. Alert managers when delays happen.
We send an email to your departments reminding them of inventory still in their department that has not been completed yet.
Need to track beyond the standard departments, NO PROBLEM. Simply add the departments that you wish to track.
In todays market where margins are tight and competition is high, being able to offer the best price on your inventory has a huge competitive advantage. One way to keep the prices competitive is to keep th costs low. We help decrease expenses on the reconditioning process.
- A used car can depreciate as much as $75 a day.
- On average a used car takes 5-15 days from trade-in long to being front-line ready.
Here is what it means to your dealership:
- $ 75 / car / day
- Time to market is 15 days
- You sell about a 150 cars a month
- Your annual depreciation cost is: $2,025,000
Which means, reducing your recon times by a day saves you $135,000 a year. And brining your recon time down to under 3 days will save you a whopping $1,620,000 a year. Check out the Savings Calculator for your exact numbers.

Sometimes all it takes is a little Simple Recon!
Unlock efficiency and profitability with Simple Recon. Improve communication, accelerate inventory reconditioning, centralize information, manage expenses, and foster accountability seamlessly across your inventory management process.
- Improve communication between your managers and vendors
- Recondition inventory faster and get more days to sell your inventory
- Accelerate monthly profits by reducing your inventory turn times
- Central repository of information for your entire inventory in recon process
- Estimate and approve reconditioning expenses per inventory in one location
- Create a culture of accountability by having work tracked via an unbiased system
- Easily provide documentation on inventory location during floor plan check
- Reduce reconditioning costs by tracking time and expenses electronically
- Make data driven performance decisions for employees and vendors
- Grant vendors access to inventory assigned to them
- Build and enforce inventory reconditioning workflow
- Make data driven performance and compensation decisions